The Los Angeles Unified School District’s Governing Board decided on December 14th, 202 1 to expand their district’s student and employee vaccination mandate as a policy applicable to all charter schools authorized by the LAUSD Board of Education.
As a result, Invictus Leadership Academy’s student COVID Vaccination policy is aligned to LAUSD’s updated student COVID Vaccination policy and protocols, and are not required until further notice.
Invictus Leadership Academy has followed the guidance of our local department of public health, the CDC, and implemented ongoing protocols to prevent COVID exposure, transmission, and illness. These protocols include daily screenings, weekly testing of all staff and students regardless of vaccination status prior to site entry, and partnering with families to provide virtual instruction (both synchronous and asynchronous instruction) to students when they are ill (regardless of COVID diagnosis). ILA is pleased with our results of having zero cases of transmission on our school site and is completely committed to providing our families with a safe option for in-person learning.